Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Cue the awards for the worst album cover of 2010 goes to...BORN!

01. Cobra
02. Radical Hysteria

No but really, how the hell does that cover have anything to do with a cobra? I don't see one. Whatever they were going for with that cover, the colors they chose definitely did not work. I'm just going to assume they pasted a cobra of some sort on the cover since anything else would have made even less sense than the cover does already.

Questionable artwork aside, this is actually a very good single. It seems that BORN has hit a stride of quality composing after their Sakura single and this one is no different. It comes packaged with two tracks as different as night and day, yet they're both so good it doesn't really matter. The single, Cobra, starts off with some ominous sound effects and a crooning Ryouga before it cycles through sadness, anger, rage, a chorus that doesn't feel like a chorus and then returns right back to the ominous sound effects once more. They definitely had an idea of where they wanted to go with this and it shows; the only problem here is that it took them this long to figure out what they wanted to do as a unit. I would have figured that after cycling through two bands without a member change, this would be the first thing you release under your new name.

But I can forgive Abnormal Head Machine after this song :)

Radical Hysteria is definitely the more accessible track of the two. It follows their punky rock badass attitude with some catchy guitar lines and a memorable vocal performance. I completely enjoy it until I remember this song has some really ridiculous lyrics. "Suck by dick or die?" Really Ryouga, that has about as much lyrical substance as your average Dirty South rapper and the Engrish isn't helping your case either. I'd be willing to look the other way because admittedly, this hiccup has nothing on Sadie's BLACK STARS or your later creation "Sasabari C" (which would be an utter failure if it weren't for the fact that it's so damn catchy!) but if you're going to open your mouth and blabber all over the microphone, at least transcribe lyrics in that booklet of yours that has some real meaning.

If this is what "BORN" represents, then this is definitely one band worth sticking around for. Just sod off with the stupid lyrics.

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