Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.
- Edna St. Vincent Milay
Now I know that lately I have been a bit of an ass and my reviews have been harsher than normal, but I do not think I will be able to write a review today (the girugamesh one was done yesterday and I just posted it today). Even though I have been tough on Versailles lately deep down I still am a fan and I do not know what it is I want to say. Or want to try to say. If this happens to be all over the place than forgive me but hopefully I'll be able to get across what it is I want to come out.
I have no idea what it is that caused Jasmine's death but since this is about him I should talk about his positives. He was the ex. member of Jyakura, Hizaki Grace Project, and now Versailles. He was one of the best bassists on the scene and one of the best bassists to ever have been on the Visual Kei scene. He handled the management of Versailles and he was a very perverted and funny person. That is him in the picture below.

Can Versailles replace him? Yes.
WILL Versailles replace him? No one knows for sure yet.
Do I WANT Versailles to replace him? Versailles isn't a Quintet without him.
Personally, thinking about the relationships between Jasmine and the other members (KAMIJO, in particular)...well, I think it is best that they disband. I'm usually not one to say that a band is not the same with a single member gone but Versailles might be an exception. Versailles isn't simply a symphonic metal band; its essence is deeper.
This album is going to be special to every fan, but especially those that loved the little alien. I hope Versailles will finish their album with parts he had already recorded, dedicate it to him, and make a last tour if they can.
Versailles now has a tough decision to make. Depending on that decision, HIZAKI grace project may also be affected. I don't want to think about this anymore. Just read the quote below I took from Tainted World and go listen to some Dignity of Crest.
'Jasmine, a pure white flower that will share its beauty with everyone, that will welcome it. Let the rays of an angel shine upon you and have faith that when the flower withers, it will come back.' *Jasmine*
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