Saturday, January 2, 2010

Review: Megaromania - Apocalypse (song)

There's one thing that I have to say about Megaromania before I begin and that's why does the band look like a bunch of faggots? I'm an avid listener of Visual Kei so when I call a band a bunch of faggots they're faggots. Visuals are supposed to accentuate the music but in this case they serve as a substitute. They shouldn't be separate things and this is just another case of bands putting on visuals to attract a fanbase. If they last long enough to amass a big enough fanbase I predict this entire crap-kei thing Megaromania's got going on is going to go quickly.

I'm only reviewing the song because after that I can't be assed to go waste bandwidth on them. In Apocalypse, they handle the hard parts decently but they need to cut out all the stopping and starting and play fluidly. What, are your hands tired? Choke on it and keep playing - it's what you're in a band for. Also, if you haven't gotten the memo I'm no longer 13 - memorable 45 second riffs alone cannot win me over. Are the riffs good? Somewhat, but the whole package is what I'm concerned about so riffs in parts do not save the whole. The vocalist CANNOT do harsh vocals and when the song just changes into the chorus I want to shoot myself. I already hate hard verse - poppy chorus transitions but when it's done the way it was here it's just not impressive. That, and all the classical instruments racing around under it do not enhance anything. It makes it feel cheesy and a tacked on addition so they can say they're experimenting.

This band experiments more with their hair spray than they do with their sound I bet. I've got people from the left and the right claiming this band does the same thing over and over again and after 6 minutes of listening to Apocalypse, a song that was marketed as a single that does the same thing over and over again I can't be inclined to disagree. And I also have to comment that this was one of the most pointless music videos I've seen in a video. The name of your song is APOCALYPSE - fucking DO something instead of stand around and semi-wail on your axes (because we all know most of you can't play). The drummer looks uncomfortable, the guitarists don't look like they want to be there and the singer doesn't even sing along most of the time. He just looks like he's trying to give oral to a lit candle.

Thank you YouTube for allowing me to save bandwidth by not checking this band out any further. This band better be grateful Kisaki decided to sign them because no one else would have given them a shot. Just look at what happened to GRIEVER boys - get your game together.

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