Wednesday, January 13, 2010

UnsraW Gt.礼(rai) will depart UnsraW

Now I'm not normally one to post all the news of the world on his blog because I feel that by the time you've heard of it reading it again here is both pointless and redundant. However, I've got a few choice words to say about this piece of news.

As the title depicts, UnsraW's guitarist
.礼(Rai) plans on departing UnsraW on February 27th due to "musical differences concerning the direction of the band". Let's re-cap on some of the recent drama concerning UnsraW:

Yuuki contracts Atypical Mycoplasmic Pneumonia sometime in 2007 and instead of going to the hospital he decides to self-medicate like a moron. This action results in UnsraW's delegation to hiatus for at least a year and a half as Yuuki struggles with his condition. The band goes mostly underground, leaving their blogs barer than mine have been over the last few months. Fans awaited news and got nothing. During this hiatus the bassist
准 (Jun) somehow manages to flip his motorcycle and injures his hand and arm so much so that 9 months later when UnsraW wants to reform he's still injured and unable to assume his position as bassist of the band.

Jun leaves.

This news was saddening enough but seeing the photo of UnsraW as a four-piece band somehow gave me hope that the group would regroup and continue and then sometime down the line Jun would re-assume his position and the band would be back to normal.

Rai's departure fucks that all up.

Now our favorite quintet is down to three members: vocalist 勇企 (Yuuki), guitarist 哲 (Tetsu) and drummer 匠 (Shou).Before I wrap this up though I'm going to re-address the point that fans worldwide waited a year and a fucking half for UnsraW's return and you leave because of "musical differences"? Your band has only made THREE TRACKS since 2007. WHAT KINDS OF POSSIBLE FUCKING MUSICAL DIFFERENCES COULD THERE BE?

This is just another situation where the departure may have absolutely nothing to do with the music...but we can't be so sure.

This feeling couldn't have sprouted overnight either. It was pretty clear that UnsraW's sound wasn't going to deviate from the path it was on. REBORN sounds like the continuation to Abel/Kein and Yuuki/Shou have written and probably will continue to write all the music for the band. IF you so desperately disliked the direction that the band was going in in 2007 why would you bother returning to the band at all?

A thought that just occurred to me now is that this tension could have arisen over the past rehearsals/recording sessions that the band may have been holding. Perhaps UnsraW's sound is changing in ways that fans like I cannot possibly understand?

Then again perhaps not. Members leave bands all the time and the sound doesn't change at all. Perhaps Rai wanted a change in their sound (in which case allow me to LOL. He writes absolutely none of the music as far as I know. Want a change? Write some fuckin' music or GTFO. I guess he chose GTFO.) but who knows?

All I wanna see is this guitarist resurface in another kick-ass band. But until then, really, I'm quite disappointed. This band has too much damn drama...

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