You bunch of money hungry little whores....
Let's take a look. Both Grieving the Dead Soul AND Ice Romancer hit the top of the indies singles charts. Then you have MASTER OF ROMANCE, the album this single is on, that hit number two on the album charts...SEVEN MONTHS AGO! Aren't singles supposed to be released
What in the hell is Sadie doing re-releasing Kagerou seven months after it was released on the album? What's worse is they have the nerve to market this as a new single in THREE DIFFERENT EDITIONS! My memory isn't that short term. I swear, this song better have been re-recorded in the halls of Valhalla...

01. 陽炎 (Kagerou/Heat Haze)
03. ナイフ (Naifu/Knife)
陽炎 [TYPE-B]

01. 陽炎 (Kagerou/Heat Haze)
03. ナイフ (Naifu/Knife)
Kagerou | I still find nothing exceptional about this song, but the chorus is adequate and the introduction is made better by those drums. Some riffs here and there are memorable but the package as a whole is nothing special. Still a generic rocker that isn’t single material and does nothing different than from what it did seven months ago. They were so fucking lazy they didn’t even bother to re-record or re-master the song. This sounds like it was ripped right off the album, yet this is a positive because the rest of this single sounds horrible. | 7/10 |
BLACK STARS | Offensive garbage. The verses send me images of Mao pulling a Tony Yayo while standing around grabbing his crotch and making random hand gestures. Rap in Japanese sounds awkward as it is but Mao’s rapping is infinitely more atrocious when paired with that chorus. The “black stars” repetition sounds hideous and what the fuck is that “Shenanananana CRAZY” portion? The production value of this entire piece is inferior to MASTER OF ROMANCE and even UNDEAD13+2. Guitars sound low and muddled and the drums sound like marshmallows after the introduction. Are you even trying anymore Sadie? | 2/10 |
Knife | I probably would like this song but the mastering is so muddled and shitty listening is painful in some parts. The bass is the best part of this song and the only instrument that seems to have any sort of direction. It’s also the only instrument I can hear clearly. The guitars are messy and all over the place and random insertions here and there do NOT work. Once again, the drums sound inaudible and Mao’s yells/growls/whatever the hell those sounds are drown everything else out. They also do not sound very good and just like every other portion of this track they sound down produced and washed out. This is obvious proof that Kagerou wasn’t re-recorded because Kagerou doesn’t sound like shit. | 4/10 |
Now a word on the videos: It's pretty, it's nice, it looks like Meisai. I can live without it and to be honest I didn't really want one. Their new look is OK at best and when it comes down to it, it's the reason why VK bands sell as many records as they do. A bigger portion of their fan base orgasms over their looks rather than the music and we all know Mao's sweat is oh-so-sexy to see when he's exerting himself live. I could manage without either of these videos.
Sadie, take a year off. Recharge your batteries, find some new creative inspiration, think up original ways to squander your UNDEAD and abroad fanbase out of their yen and the next time you decide to step into a studio and record the fans a single make sure it's good. I know for a fact the only reason this was done was to push forward the tolerable PV. This is right down there with Struggle Against Betrayal for worst Sadie release ever, except I didn't have to pay for the former.
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